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The Sport of the Week – HIIT

H.I.I.T. is short and intensive workout. In the workout you will keep alternating between cardio and strength. Due to this alternations you will be able to dig deeper and go to your absolute maximum. H.I.I.T. training improves your stamina, fat burning and glucose metabolism. As every H.I.I.T. class is different your muscles will get a different stimulus every time, this helps in challenging yourself and boosting your muscles. Furthermore, the workouts keep challenging you because every workout emphasizes different mental and physical aspects: strength and muscle endurance, stamina and core, or muscles and power; everything is a possibility! Plus, de variations in materials is endless, you will use your own bodyweight, dynabands, kettlebells or even partner exercises are a possibility.

Did you know that:

  • You will burn more calories in a 20-30 minute H.I.I.T. workout as opposed to a 1 hour bodyfit training?
  • I.I.T. is a great workout for endurance as well (and so even rowers, cyclists or runners may benefit by doing H.I.I.T.)?
  • You should always eat food and drink water after a workout, in order for muscle recovery.
  • You can’t do H.I.I.T. more than three times a week, since your muscles need time to recover.
  • You can also do H.I.I.T. if you just started to workout? Just alter your intensity and the exercises to your level!

I hope to see you in one of the H.I.I.T. classes; WARRIOR MODE ON!

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