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Course period 4b is open!

Sign up for a course in period 4b! Some new courses are sailing, gliding, softball, canooing, horse riding, wind surfing, waterskiing and speedsoccer. Also, a lot of courses will return in period 4a, like skydive, survivalrun and climbing. The course enrollment for course period 4b is open from the 9th of May until the 20th of May 2016.

In the weekend of the 21st of May you will receive a message with the results of the eventual lottery. When you receive a place in one of our courses you will have to pay your deposit of €10,-  online or at our information desk before 6 PM on the 25th of May. If you don’t do this you will lose your place in the course and that place will become available for the post-enrollment. You can sign up for the post-enrollment until 4 PM the day before the course starts.


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