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Grab your shoes and try to run a 5K!

Happy May everyone,

Exam period is finally over and spring has arrived. This means summer is around the corner and most of us are trying our best to get back on track again after hours of sitting around to study and eating crap all day – who has seriously the energy to really cook after spending all day in the library!?

So we thought to ease back into working out again let’s grab our running shoes and take it outside to enjoy the nicer weather and why not try to be able to run a 5K by the end of the month?

Some of you might already run 5ks or even more as a daily work out but for everyone else, who does not run further than from the fridge to their room so nobody witness that got food again, let’s challenge ourselves and see how it goes. We found a four weeks plan online to help you to slowly get on track till you are able to easily run a 5k on the last day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1

Slow Run

3x 10 minutes with 1.30 min walking in-between


Take a break!

Relaxed Run

20 min

no break

Take a break! Take a break!

Slow Run

3x 10 minutes with 1.30 min walking in-between

Take a break!
Week 2

Slow Run

2x 15 minutes with 1.30 min walking in-between

Take a break!

Relaxed Run

25 min

no break

Take a break! Take a break!

Slow Run

2x 15 minutes with 1.30 min walking in-between

Take a break!
Week 3

Slow Run

3x 12 minutes with 1.30 min walking in-between

Take a break!

Relaxed Run

30 min

no break

increase of the speed in the end


Take a break! Take a break!

Slow Run

3x 12 minutes with 1.30 min walking in-between

Take a break!
Week 4

Slow Run

20 min

no break

Take a break!

Relaxed Run

20 min

no break

increase of the speed in the end

Take a break! Take a break! Take a break! 5K!

To us – we are the new Healthcie from the ACLO, 5 students that try to stay healthy while managing the normal student life. So it is important to keep in mind that we are no doctors or are considering ourselves as experts in health question. We simply try our best to inform us in order to give you new ideas and inspirations how to enjoy your student experience in a more active, healthy and fun way. We are planning to upload each month a new fun challenge that hopefully many of us can join.

So have fun and let’s try to take care of us and our health together.


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