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Sport of the Week: Monkey Caging at the ACLO!

Sport of the Week, every week one sport is selected to be the Sport of the Week. During this week more information, movies and interesting facts are posted here.

This week the Sport of the Week is: Monkey Caging!

In Holland every student knows it from their child hood; Monkey Caging. In Dutch: ‘Apenkooien’. In primary school this game is usually played before the holiday. The Summer Holiday is coming, so the ACLO organizes this event together with the ‘Groninger Studentenkrant’, for the first time for every student in Groningen!

Monkey Caging is a kind of playing tag, but you can’t touch the floor while playing it. The hall is full of objects, for example cases, boxes and hoops. And you can swing like a monkey on the ropes. When you’re tagged or you have touched the floor you have to leave the field.

Come and join this event at the ACLO at Wednesday the 24th of June from 16.00 – 18.00 in Hall 4. More info and signing up is possible over here.

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