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Enrollment for course period 3A opens today at 8 PM!

Enrollment for course period 3A opens today at 8 PM!

Half of the year has already flew by and period 3A is almost upon us. This period will start on the 14th of February. Would you like to get introduced to and/or improve yourself in one of the many sports offered as a course for 5 or 10 weeks? Now is your chance. Registrations open on January 24th. There is something for everyone in the course offerings! For example, in 10 lessons you can learn the ins and outs of mindfulness or you can for 5 weeks expend all your energy on the kickboxing or survival running course.
Course period 3A starts on the 14th of February and ends on the 20th of March. Enrollments are open until the 30th of January, post-enrollment opens on the 6th of February. You can enroll via MyACLO, under unfilled enrollments.
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