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Sport of this week – Ice Hockey

Ice hockey is a relatively new sport that has taken North American, and the world, by storm. If you like a fast paced team sport that relies not only on hand eye co-ordination but general body balance then be sure to check this sport out. Ice hockey can seem to be one of the most complicated sports in the world. You have to do what a footballer does, while getting hit as hard as in rugby, while handling a small rubber disc with a stick like field hockey at a pace that is unrivaled in the sports world. However, once you get the hang of standing on skates this sport comes quite quickly to those who try.

The Bulldogs are Groningen’s only student ice hockey team. We are largely English speaking as there aren’t a lot of Dutch people who play Ice Hockey, but mostly Canadians, Americans, Finns, and other Scandinavians who play this beautiful sport. When watching NHL (National Hockey League) games you can see that sport can be quite violent. However, we play in a league where hitting is not allowed; this lets people get into the sport without fear of an injury. The Bulldogs are also the beginning of an Ice Hockey players career that ended with the Brazilian national team.

We are welcome to any and all newcomers of every skill level. Even if you have never skated, its something that you can pick up quite easily. The rest comes quite naturally. If you are a great ice hockey player then feel free to join us as we split up our practices between rookies and experienced players.


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