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Start course period 2A

Course period 2A

Last week Tuesday, the government has introduced strictures measures to prevent the spread of the corona virus. These measures will (most likely) apply until November the 18th and unfortunately also affect the sports. For this reason, the ACLO has decided to postpone the start of course period 2A, which was originally scheduled to start on November the 16th, with a week. Thus, the course period starts on the 23th of November. In this way, none of the courses will be given under the current, stricter measures. The course period will end on the scheduled date: the 20th of December. This means that course period 2A only consists of 4 weeks instead of 5.

The lottery for course period 2A will be moved to the 18th of November. Until the lottery takes place, it is still possible to register for courses for period 2A. Participants who are guaranteed of a spot can confirm their place until the 20th of November. Post enrollment will be open from the 21th of November.

For some courses, a solution will be sought to still offer the fifth course lesson. The participants of these courses will be notified by email.

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