Scuba diving

G.S.D.C. Ad Fundum

Have you ever wanted to find out more about the fascinating underwater world? Join Ad Fundum, the scuba diving club for students! We offer fun diving weekends and holidays, and a host of other enjoyable activities! At Ad Fundum, diving lessons and further training are affordable because you get to use the club’s more expensive equipment.

Take a look at the website of G.S.D.C. Ad Fundum.

G.B.D. Calamari

The Groningen Biologen Duikvereniging (“Groningen Biologists Diving club”) Calamari is a friendly diving club for students that focuses on life underwater. We regularly organize diving weekends in the Groningen area as well as in Zeeland. Besides scuba diving we also offer underwaterhockey. Push your physical limits in this fun quick paced sport! We train on Monday and Thursday in the pool and afterwards we often hit our favorite pub. Apart from sport we also organize a lot of fun activities for our members!

Take a look at the website of G.B.D. Calamari.

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