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What is Lacrosse?

Lacrosse is a fast-paced team sport in which players try to get a rubber ball with a stick into the opponent's goal.


The Lacrosse course teaches the basic skills of the game, such as handling the stick, ball control, passing, shooting and defending. In addition, emphasis is placed on team strategies, rules of the game and physical fitness training to improve performance.

The course lasts 5 weeks, of which you will receive 1 hours of lessons each week. Participation is free. You can register via the ACLO app. Look here for an overview of the course periods.


Lacrosse Groningen Gladiators
Lacrosse Groningen Gladiators is a small, close-knit club. A good atmosphere and teamwork are our top priorities! Of course, good teamwork does not come naturally, so we work hard on that, both on and off the field. In addition to training and competitions twice a week, we also organize drinks, activities and an annual Schier weekend. You can always have a beer in our clubhouse afterwards and become a member of one of our many committees.
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Lacrosse Aclo

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Book all your group lessons and reserve your sports fields now via our ACLO subscription. You can also purchase your ACLO Card for the upcoming academic year here!