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What is Fencing?

Fencing is a sport in which two opponents challenge each other with different weapons, such as épée, foil or sabre, with the aim of scoring points by hitting each other.


The 5-week fencing course is taught on epee. This weapon remains closest to the original duel of fencing and is therefore most suitable for an introductory course. The lessons consist of a warm-up followed by footwork, after which the majority of each lesson will be devoted to weapon operations. These will be presented in a logical sequence of offensive and defensive actions. This ends in the last lesson with a tournament where you put into practice all the skills you have acquired. You do not need to purchase any special clothing for this course!

The course is intended for beginners. The course lasts 5 weeks, of which you will receive 1,5 hour of lessons every week. Participation is free. You can register via the ACLO app. Look here for an overview of the course periods.


GSSV Donar 1881
Put someone to the sword, lacerate or puncture someone, it's all possible! Well, proverbially… In addition to screens, we regularly organize film evenings and have monthly drinks. If you have always wanted to fence, don't hesitate and visit our wonderful association. Interested in this sport? Also check the association's website GSSV Donar 1881.
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