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exceptions subscriptions


On this page you can read whether you are eligible for an ACLO subscription if you are no longer a full-time or part-time student at the University of Groningen (RUG) or the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen (HG).

Aclo fitness

High rate and low rate

The regular rates are listed on the general rates page; this is the low rate. In some cases the high rate must be paid; this is a higher amount. Many of the exceptions listed below must pay the high rate. Below are the amounts that correspond to the high rate. 

Year subscription €134,95
Valid from 16-08-24 to 31-08-25

First semester subscription €99,95
Valid from 01-09-24 to 01-02-25

Second semester subscription €99,95
Valid from 01-02-25 to 01-09-25

Summer subscription €49,95
Valid from 01-05-25 to 31-08-25 

Day subscription* €7,50
Valid on the day of purchase

Please note! If you have purchased a daily subscription and would like an annual subscription on the same day, you can request a refund of €7,50 at the counter. Please note that you can only purchase a daily subscription once per academic year.

The price of the additional fitness subscription is no different for athletes who have to pay the high rate for the regular ACLO subscription. 

Graduated from the RUG or HG

You can still purchase an ACLO subscription up to three years after graduation. To do this, go to the Sports Center counter. You can purchase a subscription here upon presentation of your diploma. You pay the high rate for this.

Stopped studying at the RUG or HG

You can still purchase an ACLO subscription up to one year after stopping your training. To do this, go to the Sports Center counter and take your proof of registration with you. Here too you pay the high rate.

Do you USE the
AClo app yet?

Book all your group lessons, courses, open hours and sports fields via the ACLO App. You can also purchase or renew a (new) ACLO subscription here.

Student at a university or college other than RUG or HG

If you are at another Dutch university (participating universities can be requested at the Sports Centre reception desk) students, you can purchase an ACLO subscription at the low rate if you can prove that you are in Groningen for at least three months. If you are in Groningen for less than three months and you have a sports subscription with another umbrella student sports organization and you can prove both, you can use the sports offer for free for up to three months. To do this, go to the counter of the Sports Center.

If you study at another Dutch university, you can in some cases also purchase an ACLO subscription. Contact the Sports Center desk to see if your college is participating. For participating colleges, there is a maximum of ten subscriptions per college, where the following applies: full = full. 

Students who study at the Stichting Pedagogisch Onderwijs (SPO) or the Academy of Midwifery Amsterdam Groningen can also purchase an ACLO subscription for the low rate (€59,95 for one year).

PhD student

PhD students who are registered as students, and therefore have an s number, have the same rights as other RUG students and can purchase an ACLO subscription for the low rate. To do this, log in with your student number and password in the ACLO app or on the website.

If you do not have student status, you have a p-number and you are considered an employee of the RUG. Read below whether you can exercise at the ACLO in this case. 

RUG and HG employees

Employees of the RUG or HG cannot purchase an ACLO subscription. However, they can become members of the RUG staff association; the SPR. View on For more information. SPR members can use a large part of the sports offer, such as group lessons and reserving courts, but they are not allowed to become members of a student sports club. SPR members can only participate in courses via post-registration.


Would you like to become a member of an ACLO association, but is there no way to purchase an ACLO subscription? Then you may be able to request an exemption from the relevant association. An association is given the opportunity to provide a limited number of dispensation subscriptions. It is up to the association to allocate these; the ACLO has no influence on this. Please contact the association secretary for this. They have a list of members who are entitled to a dispensation subscription from their association. If your name is on such a list, you can purchase an ACLO subscription for €134,95 per year.

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