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At ACLO we believe it is important to provide a safe sports environment in which everyone feels at home. Together we do everything we can to prevent inappropriate behavior such as bullying, conflicts and arguments, discrimination and sexual harassment within our foundation in order to ensure a safe sporting environment. That is why the ACLO has appointed two confidential contact persons. They act as a central point of contact to ensure that the way we interact with each other is respectful and safe. These contact persons are not responsible for resolving the incident, but for providing a listening ear and advising on next steps.

Contact information

The confidential contact persons of the ACLO are Leon Hovenkamp (former Executive Board member) and Velda Tjalma (former General Board member of the ACLO). An appointment for a (telephone) conversation with the confidential contact persons can be made via the following e-mail address: Here you can indicate whether you prefer an appointment with Leon or with Velda.

If you need contact with people outside the ACLO, you can always contact the Center for Safe Sports Netherlands. 

Velda Tjalma

My name is Velda Tjalma and I am one of the two confidential contact persons of the ACLO. As a student, I have been active at ACLO from the beginning of my student days various student sports associations. In my opinion, sports are the most fun there is and how fantastic it is that you can do this together with other students. Exercising is fun, but this only applies if you can do it in a safe and pleasant way. I will listen to your problems and think about the next steps you can take. Together I hope to ensure that sports actually remain fun! If you want to contact me, you can send me an email at We can then see together whether a physical, online or telephone conversation works best. If you have any doubts about whether you can contact one of us with your questions, please email us and we will think along with you!

Velda Tjalma

Leon Hovenkamp

My name is Leon and I have always enjoyed playing various sports at the ACLO. In my spare time I play football at The Knickerbockers (TKB) and I like to go for a ride on my racing bike through the Ommenlanden. I became involved in student sports in 2020 when I held the position of chairman of the Executive Board of the ACLO. Student sports in Groningen is a place where fun is central, everyone should feel safe and where there is no room for unwanted behavior. Therefore, please contact me if you experience inappropriate behavior or you have the feeling that inappropriate behavior is taking place. I will offer you a listening ear and handle the situation discreetly.