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General Board

The General Board is the institution that controls the Daily Board. Every year the General Board consists of 11 students who have a meeting at least seven times a year. They have a voice in important issues concerning the ACLO and control its long term policy.

The General Board 2023-2024 consists of:

Arne Römgens(chairman)
Mirte de Vries (vice chairman)
Joëlle Lap
Leon Tanis
Barbera de Mol
Daan Buiter
Jos Doldersum
Justin Uitendaal
Hylke Everaarts
Lonneke Mulder
Ilse Schulting


The General Board, together with one director of the Executive Board, represents different sectors. The task of the General Manager is to measure the sounds of the sector and this may be taken to the General Board Meeting. The General Board is divided into the following sectors:

Sector DB-voorzitter AB-vertegenwoordiger
Outside Sports Gijs Oude Weernink Ilse Schulting
Sport hall users Hilde Huiberts Joëlle Lap
Fieldsports Ines Krekels Justin Uitendaal
Watersports Tim Ike Lonneke Mulder
Hall sports Tom Streefland Jos Doldersum
Pool users Femke Haites Daan Buiter
Unbounded Parel Heuvink Barbera de Mol, Hylke Everaarts, Leon Tanis


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