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Sport of the Week: Power Yoga

Power yoga is a kind of yoga that is based on Ashtanga yoga. The focus lies on power and stretching. Power yoga classes consist of a standard number of exercises. These can be standing, sitting down an cooling down exercises.

The class starts with sitting where attention is paid to breathing. Next you warm up your body with the sungreeting A&B. After this you continue with a series of exercises. You end with breathing techniques and relaxation. Power yoga is a powerful and dynamic form of yoga. Everybody is concentrated during the moves. For every move there is 1 breath (in or out) and because the exercises follow each other up fluently, there is a feeling of a flow. The Power yoga flow!

The teacher can use different difficulties so that students that are not advanced can participate as well.

You can take Power Yoga at the ACLO on Tuesday from 14.00 to 15.00 and on Wednesday from 19.00-20.00.

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