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Sport of the Week Ultimate Frisbee

Sport of the Week, every week one sport is selected to be the Sport of the Week. During this week more information, movies and interesting facts are posted here.

This week the Sport of the Week is: Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate Frisbee is a spectacular team sport played in mixed teams without referee. The goal of the game is to score points by catching the Frisbee in the ‘endzone’ of the opposing team, without the disc being intercepted. Since it is not allowed to walk when handling the disc or to capture the Frisbee through physical contact, it is important to move smart in order to get free.

In Groningen, Ultimate Frisbee can be played at the club ‘Gronical Dizziness’. Here people can train both at a low or high level. Our association consists in majority of Dutch people but also numbers a significant number of international students among its ranks. As a club, we participate both in national and international tournaments.

Thanks to not having a referee, Ultimate Frisbee is a spirited and fair-played game, even when played at the highest level. How this works? Come and see it for yourself at Gronical Dizziness.

You can sign up now for the course Ultimate Frisbee for period 4B right now!

Gronical Dizziness organizes also an tournament for beginners: the City League. More information:

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