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The Sport of the Week - Lacrosse

Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports in the Netherlands. It’s roots are in North-America, where the teamsport is immensely popular at universities and highschools. The game is fast, tactical and for the gentlemen’s game also very physical – think ice-hockey. Players use their sticks to throw the ball to eachother. The ladies’ and gentlemen’s game in lacrosse differ substantially. Lacrosse is a very unique sport so it’s hard to find similar sports, but the ladies’ game is a bit like field-hockey and the men´s game is similar to ice-hockey in terms of physicality and to basketball in terms of tactics.

The men’s and women’s teams of Lacrosse Groningen train twice a week and play in the national competition against other university-cities like Rotterdam, Utrecht and Tilburg. Besides the sport there are also plenty of social activities and monthly drinks in town.

Do you want to come try lacrosse? Of course you do! You can sign up for the ACLO course or join one of the open practices at Groningen Lacrosse, for information you can email

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