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Sport of the week: Sailing

Sport of the week: Sailing!

Do you want to keep sailing or learn to sail in between your studies? In combination with many social activities? Then G.S.Z. Mayday, the student sports association, is something for you! We are an unique association with our own sailing clubhouse, which functions as a bar each Tuesday and Thursday. Our ship, the Nicolaas Mulerius, sails 180 days a year for training, races and summer trips. Added to this clipper, we own seven Valks (a small keelboat), moored in the Paterswoldsemeer. In these boats you can learn to sail and obtain official CWO certificates. There’s also the option to rent the Valks for a nice day of sailing. And last but not least, we have an ambitious skûtsjeteam (sailing a historic Frysian ship) that sails the IFKS competition in august! Take a look at our website for more information:

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